Workshop I: 2019年2月18-19日
Workshop II: 2019年2月21-22日
McNeel Europe S.L.
Roger de Flor, 32-34 bajos
08018 Barcelona(スペイン、バルセロナ)
Workshop II: 2019年2月21-22日
McNeel Europe S.L.
Roger de Flor, 32-34 bajos
08018 Barcelona(スペイン、バルセロナ)
David Rutten がバルセロナにある弊社ヨーロッパオフィスで、初心者/中級ユーザー向けの2回、最新のGrasshopperクラスを行います。David は2008年にGrasshopperを設立し、それ以来一貫して開発を続けてユーザーコミュニティでのテクニカルサポートを提供しています。現在、Grasshopperは Rhino 6 for Windows および Rhino 5 for Mac に統合されています。
- Mathematics (starting from integer addition to evaluating complicated functions, a series of increasingly difficult exercises will introduce the core concepts of any Grasshopper algorithm; setting and inspecting values, learning about different data types, performing operations on data, and formatting data for human consumption)
- Custom Shapes (most often the shape you need isn’t part of the standard shapes. This second part focused on how to create and bundle your own functionality.)
- Structures of Shapes (creating complex structures from simple elements is an important skill, as is analyzing these complex structures. Building on the result of part (2), this exercise focuses on the creation and categorization of large amounts of data.)
- Spaceframe (Sooner or later data management always rears its ugly head. Instead of worrying about the data itself, in this exercise we’ll worry instead about how data is organized.)
- Analysis and Graphics (Presenting data in a human-centric fashion may sometimes involve the creation of visual feedback such as graphs and maps. This exercise aims to display data graphically which is either too numerous or too complicated to be read as a text.)
Day 2: Algorithm and Workflow design
Working on large projects often involves dealing with discontinuity, either because several people are involved or because a single person works on the project intermittently. It is therefore important to keep Grasshopper algorithms easy to understand regardless of whether the user is familiar with them. While good documentation of a file can go some way towards achieving this goal, it should be considered to be the last resort. Ideally, an algorithm is self-explanatory. To accomplish this, algorithms need to be both clean and small, and sadly neither property comes naturally to node-based editors such as Grasshopper.
The entire day will be spent working on various aspects of a single, overarching project while keeping modularity, maintainability, and flexibility in mind.
コース費用: 495ユーロ(+VAT//付加価値税); フルタイムの学生および大学教員は50%の割引きがあります(身分証明書が必要)。お席の確保はコース費用のお支払い確認後となります。
定員: 10名。規定の人数に満たない場合、コースは15日前にキャンセルとなります。
言語: 英語