無料のRhinoceros 4.0教員ワークショップ
他の難しいソフトウェア製品をさらに増やして学生の方達に負担をかけることなく、デザインとデザインコミュニケーションのカリキュラムに3Dモデリングを加える方法を学んでみませんか?学生達は最新の3Dモデリングテクノロジーを学ぶことができ、 教える側は指導に専念できます。このワークショップは現役の教員および講師の方に、無料でご参加頂けます。このコースは英語でベルギーで行われます。詳細は下の英文をご覧ください。
· When: Thu, Fri, Sat, June 2,3,4 2011. From 9:00 to 18:00.
· Program:
This course will be based on our Level II training guide, and cover the basics of Rhinoceros 4.0 and how to teach them. Starting from simple 2D functions and curve creation tools we will move to more advanced features like freeform surfaces and surfaces blends.
Additionally there will be some extra exercises to show how Rhino is used in combination with CNC Milling, Rapid Prototyping & 3D Scanning.
The course will be held in English.
· Where:
Sint Lucas Architectuur Campus Gent
Hoogstraat 51, 9000, Ghent Belgium
T +32 (0)9 225 10 00
· Instructor:
Rodrigo Bárcena (McNeel Europe)
· Registration:
Send an email to (rodrigo@mcneel.com) including the following details:
- full name.
- short description of your background, why you are interested in Rhino.
- proof of your status as an educator (dated faculty ID, recent faculty/staff pay stub, etc.)
- contact email
Seats are very limited, please register at your earliest convenience!
Best regards,
Rodrigo Bárcena