
ウェビナー: Grasshopperを使った MIDAS CIVIL NX


Innovative Parametric Modeling for Civil Engineers: MIDAS CIVIL NX with Grasshopper

ウェビナー: 2024年9月5日

Session 1: Europe & Asia 9 am (BST/London)
Session 2: North & South America noon (EDT/New York)
Register here!

Join the MIDASITチームが土木工学に焦点を絞ったウェビナーを開催し、MIDAS CIVIL NX と Grasshopperの強力な統合についてご紹介します。

Join the MIDASIT team for an exciting webinar explicitly designed for civil engineers where MIDASIT will showcase the powerful integration of MIDAS CIVIL NX with Grasshopper. Discover how parametric modeling can transform your design workflow, offering flexibility and efficiency.

Learn from industry experts, see live demonstrations, and hear from real-world users about how this integration has enhanced their projects. Whether you're an experienced engineer or new to parametric design, this webinar will provide valuable insights to elevate your engineering solutions.



原文投稿者: Jody Mills


Design Modelling シンポジウム – 2024年9月、カッセル大学


Design Modelling Symposium 2024

カッセル大学で9月、デザインモデリング シンポジウムが行われます。

The Design Modelling Symposium will take place this September in Kassel, Germany. International research groups from ETH Zurich, the University of Hong Kong, Autodesk, Uni Stuttgart, the University of Innsbruck, and others will present their latest work on the four topics of Realizing Circular DesignScaling Digital ConceptsBiomaterial Design, and Digital Construction.

This will be complemented by distinguished keynote talks from Philip F. Yuan of Tongji University Shanghai, Andrea Klinge of ZRS Architects Berlin, Corentin Fivet from EPF Lausanne, Kerstin Müller of Zirkular Basel, Anke Parson of Urban Beta Berlin, Olivier Baverel Ecole des Ponts ParisTech and Greta Tiedje of Henning Larsen Copenhagen.

See here the final schedule of the conference: Schedule DMS 2024

Two intensive days of workshops will be held on the topics of  Immersive Design Based on Human Motion by the University of Hannover, Structural Design for Reuse by Karamba / Bollinger Grohmann, Human Robot Interaction by Prof. Stefana Parasho of EPFL, Design with Mycelium Materials by EDEK University of Kassel in cooperation with the Royal Danish Academy and Form-fit spatial frames by TWE University of Kassel, knippershelbig and Strong by Form.

See here the schedule of the workshops: Schedule Workshops

It is possible to register individually for the conference or workshops, and there are also special rates for bundles and students.


原文投稿者: Joachim