Parametric Bratislavaワークショップ
Rhinoceros 5 + Grasshopper 3D、サブプラグインを使ったワークショップがスロバキアのブラチスラバで行われました。
The workshop will look into digital sensing structure subsystems, constituted by associative simulations of the relations between tectonics and the environment in which human activities take place according to specific programs. It will provide and control a constant flow of information about the changing internal and external conditions which is processed by a computational subsystem articulated by Rhinoceros 5 + Grasshopper 3D & Sub-Plugins.
Through this means we will explore new design opportunities, where the resulting proposal could challenge convention and the way that design is conceive, stepping away from linear process and embracing holistic approaches.
構成: 初心者向けGrasshopper 1日 + メインコース6日間
日程: 2014年2月24日 – 3月2日nd、9:00-17:00
場所: Faculty of Architecture, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia
講師: Aldo Sollazzo + Iker Mugarra Flores – NOUMENA
アドバイザー: Jelica Jovanović + Dragana Petrović – Grupa Arhitekata
主催: 3D Dreaming, rese arch
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