2013年、RhinoTerrainのClaude Vuattouxは 数値地形モデル(Digital Terrain Model)を元データのCityGML 基準を表現しながらLOD2で自動的にテクスチャリングすることに成功しました。
"In 2013, Claude Vuattoux of RhinoTerrain succeeded in automatically texturing our Digital Terrain Model at a level of detail LOD2 while preserving the CityGML standard of the original data.
Previously, the Geomatique Division of the City of Montreal used the CityGML standard (LOD1 and LOD2) to produce a 3-D model of buildings from data obtained using a photogrammetry capturing process. CityGML is an open-source format that allows adding attributes, freely exchanging virtual urban 3-D models, and an open use of the format. Because the texture images generated by RhinoCity for rendering our 3-D urban model are generated from aerial photographs taken directly above Montreal, they are very realistic. The outcome is creating great interest among both experts and 3-D neophytes.
During the RhinoCity training, we were impressed by the geospatial data calculations, particularly while fixing knot topology and associating a building with an identifier using a spatial request. RhinoCity offers a great deal of efficiency and is causing us to review the software solutions we are currently using for producing our digital model. RhinoTerrain is very promising for structuring the Digital Terrain Model. It's a nice surprise for those of us in our line of work."
Richard Mongeau a.-g., M. Sc.
Arpenteur-géomètre chef d'équipe
Équipe de la cartographie et des levés spéciaux
Division de la Géomatique
Direction des Travaux Publics
Service du Développement et des Opérations
Ville de Montréal
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