BLOCK Research Group, ETH ZurichがRhinoVAULT v1.0のリリースを発表しました。このRhinoceros®用プラグインには多くのバグ修正だけでなく、よりインタラクティブで直感的なフニクラー構造の形状探索のための新しいツールが搭載されています。こちらの動画で実装された新機能の概要をご覧頂けます。
RhinoVAULT V1.0 NewFeatures - BLOCK Research GroupのVimeoより
Funicular Form Finding
The Rhinoceros ® Plug-In RhinoVAULT emerged from current research on structural form finding using the Thrust-Network-Approach to intuitively create and explore compression-only structures. Using reciprocal diagrams, it provides an intuitive, fast method, adopting the same advantages of techniques such as Graphic Statics, but offering a viable extension to fully three-dimensional problems.
Our goal is to share key aspects of our research in a comprehensible and transparent setup to let one not only create beautiful shapes but also to give the user an understanding of the underlying structural principles.
The development of RhinoVAULT is currently supported by the BLOCK Research Group at ETH Zurich. It is shared freely in the hope that you will enjoy it and use it for original and creative work. It can be freely shared and used for academic and commercial purposes, but with proper attribution:
Matthias Rippmann
Lorenz Lachauer
Philippe Block
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