At this webinar you’ll get an in depth look into both
RhinoCAM and
Rhino 5.
MecSoft’s Support Manager Uday Honnalagere will be
showcasing the advanced capabilities of RhinoCAM 2012 and its
seamless integration into Rhino 5. As a bonus, Scott Davidson of
McNeel & Assoc. will demonstrate the power of Rhino 5. This is going
to be a great learning experience for beginners and advanced
users alike. This is a FREE webinar, so feel free to spread the word.
日: 2013年6月26日(水)
時間: 8:00AM(太平洋夏時間)
場所: インターネットに接続できるパソコンがあればどこでも
原文投稿者: Keith
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