AA Visiting School New Delhi, India
AA Visiting School Delhi - Synthetic equilibria
Proto-types as applied research in Architecture, Engineering and Manufacture
Sushant School of Art and Architecture, Ansal University、グルガオン(インド)
2013年7月24日(水)– 8月2日(金)
Thin shell structures, fabric formwork, GPU computing, curved folding, topology optimization, real-time interactive form finding, et al.
10 days of intense fun treading new domains, building full scale prototypes, late nights, and pushing boundaries of what we thought we knew. Drop by!
原文投稿者: Carlos Pérez
Car design workshop in Barcelona
Car Design with Rhinoceros
This course is oriented to designers and concept modelers who wish to interact with their creations in a friendly and enriching manner.
This 3-day workshop will provide the students with all the understanding needed to create and easily interact with their concepts using all the potential Rhino and VSR can offer. During this course, students will learn the main concepts regarding car design and how to implement them to improve their concepts into the 3-D environment. The participants will find how to generate, edit, and evaluate their models in a simplified manner. This will let them concentrate on the really important part of their creations: the design.
- 講師: Jorge Biosca
- 言語: 英語
- 費用: Students 395€ + VAT / Professionals 495€ +VAT (early bird price until Sep 16)
原文投稿者: Carlos Pérez
Computational Environmental Design workshop in Tallinn
Computational Environmental Designワークショップ
Tallinn University of Technology、エストニア
International workshop on parametric and generative design environmental simulations based for architecture and planning.
Main themes of the workshop: The increasing availability and usability of tools for daylight and energy simulation into parametric and generative design software facilitates the integration of environmental factors into the design process from the very early stages, improving the efficiency of the design processes and the performance of the buildings, giving to the designer new methodologies of work to create environmentally-aware and performative architectural and spatial design. The workshop will focus on the new methodologies of integration of daylight and energy simulations into architectural design processes by parametric and generative computational tools.
- 講師: Francesco De Luca, Tallinn University of Technology
- ソフトウェア: Rhinoceros 5 + Grasshopper + environmental analysis plug-ins
- 費用: professionals (6 places) 150 Euro / students (6 places) free (The students places will be assigned on the principle of the higher level of study and earlier registrations)
- 申込み締切: 7月31日
- 言語: 英語
原文投稿者: Carlos Pérez
EleFront for Grasshopper
The EleFrontは、Rhinoのオブジェクトととのインタラクションとモデルデータの管理のためのプラグインです。こちらをお読みください:The plug-in allows users to bake geometry to the Rhino model with the option of specifying attributes, including an unlimited amount of user text attributes by means of key-value pairs. This way it is possible to treat a 3d Rhino model as a data base, where each object "knows" what it is, what it belongs to, where it should go, who his friends are and when his next appointment with the dentist is.
This data can be used for analysis, but also for referencing objects back into Grasshopper, based on one or more filters defined by key-value pairs that were defined upon baking, or that were added to the geometry with the "modify attributes" component.
The main components in the suite are:
• Bake with attributes
• Reference by user text
• Reference by attributes
• Define attributes
• Read user text
• Read attributes
This plug-in was developed and financed by Front façade design and engineering, New York.
原文投稿者: Carlos Pérez
This data can be used for analysis, but also for referencing objects back into Grasshopper, based on one or more filters defined by key-value pairs that were defined upon baking, or that were added to the geometry with the "modify attributes" component.
The main components in the suite are:
• Bake with attributes
• Reference by user text
• Reference by attributes
• Define attributes
• Read user text
• Read attributes
This plug-in was developed and financed by Front façade design and engineering, New York.
原文投稿者: Carlos Pérez
原文投稿者: Carlos Pérez
Paresite: The Environmental Summer Pavilion
Environmental Summer Pavilion for reSITE
このデザインはGrasshopperとRhinoで実現し、Hundegger Speed-Cut 3とHOMAG Venture 06S 3軸加工機でファブリケーションされました。機械では受け付けない浅い加工は手作業が必要でした。
原文投稿者: Carlos Pérez
Ripple 360 – 360度パノラマのピンホールカメラ
Ripple 360はFabraft Design Labがデザインした360度パノラマのピンホールカメラです。構造とサーフェスのパターンはRhinoとGrasshopperでデザインされ、3D印刷されました。
The 360-degree pinhole camera consists of six units. The ripple patterns on the camera surface correlate with interface of captured images, the transformation and merging are affected by the two pinholes of the camera.
The 360-degree pinhole camera consists of six units. The ripple patterns on the camera surface correlate with interface of captured images, the transformation and merging are affected by the two pinholes of the camera.
原文投稿者: YOKO
IAAC Global Summer School 2013: Productive City
2013年7月15 – 26日
Access to the production of energy, food, knowledge, and objects are fundamental to the creation of self-sufficient habitats. The 2013 Edition of the IAAC GSS wants to address the challenges and opportunities which exist in our urban environments with regards to the production of these elements.
This year, 11 international institutions from 5 continents will participate simultaneously in the Global School Program July 15th - 26th, 2013:
Barcelona, Spain • Launceston, Australia • Brisbane, Australia • Shanghai, P.R.C. • Mumbai, India • Tehran, Iran • Istanbul, Turkey • New York City, NY, USA • Santiago, Chile • Lima, Peru • San Diego, CA, USA / Tijuana, Mexico
McNeel Rhinoceros
Grasshopper 3D
Autodesk Ecotect
Inquiries: applications@iaac.net
原文投稿者: Cécile Lamborot
Past Forward Bratislava parametric Summer Lab
Past Forward Bratislava parametric Summer Lab
The 2013 Parametric Bratislava Summer School named "Past Forward“ investigates in 6 days the capabilities of the current digital design tools to create a highly contemporary homage to the architectural heritage of the 70's. The participants will learn advanced Grasshopper and Starling plug-in on the formal explorations of the buildings of Vladimír Dedeček – a local architectural counterpart of Oscar Niemeyer and Marcel Breuer.
The Summer School, under the patronage of Faculty of Architecture, Slovak University of Technology and 3D Dreaming + rese arch, lectured by Michael Pryor (USA) and Mateusz Zwierzycki (PL), will take place in Bratislava, Slovakia on 12th-18th August 2013.
The participants will be awarded 4+1 ECTS credits (depending on the project outcome), in the winter semester of 2013.
原文投稿者: Carlos Pérez
AD-3DのAleksandar Dimitrovが3D印刷の新しい花瓶をデザインしました。Pencil Vase(エンピツ花瓶)は六角形の鉛筆3本を使って、あらゆるグラスやカップをミニマルスタイルの花瓶に変身させます。
原文投稿者: Keith
Summer School digitalMed
Mediterranean FabLab - Cava De’ Tirreni(サレルノ)
The Summer School digitalMed’s fourth edition is a planning laboratory directed to investigate subjects, operations and techniques that affect the current international architectural panorama.
The subject of this edition focuses on the investigation of interactions between the environment and the human being, made through objects, mechanisms and architectures able to interact with who makes use of them. The aim of digitalMed IV is drawing a catalogue of projects/prototypes to insert them in an urban context, and to outline new future-cities profile.
原文投稿者: Carlos Pérez